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How Well Do You Know: 1/10/17-1/16/14
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1. And now only Ginger and Mary Ann are left, as Gilligan's Island actor Russell Johnson, who played __________ on the show, passed away this week?
Mr. Howell
The Skipper
The Professor
2. American Idol is back by popular demand (meaning: Fox's demand for more money). Which of these is NOT serving as a judge this time around?
Jennifer Lopez
Randy Jackson
Keith Urban
Harry Connick, Jr.
3. All that glitters is Golden Globes for this film that walked away with three awards during the evening.
12 Years a Slave
Dallas Buyers Club
American Hustle
By way of explanation.....
Hustle took Best Comedy/Musical, Actress and Supporting Actress. Dallas Buyers grabbed Actor/Drama and Supporting Actor while Gravity only got Director and 12 Years only got Best Drama
4. Surprise surprise (No...really we were surprised.) This was the winner of Best TV Comedy at the Globes.
Brooklyn Nine Nine
2 Broke Girls
5. Hearty congrats to this Golden Globe winner, who also debuted a new HBO series called True Detective this week.
Amy Adams
Matthew McConaughey
Jared Leto
Jennifer Lawrence
6. But all was not quite golden at the Globes. Which of the following imperiled the red carpet proceedings?
A burst sewage pipe flooded the red carpet
Teamsters picketed nearby
An electrical fire burned a section of the red carpet area
A brawl between limo drivers spilled out onto the red carpet
7. If your week consisted of police detectives issuing a search for your home on felony vandalism charges, a friend/hanger-on getting arrested during search for cocaine possession and then a TV star tweeted that he believes that the drug was really yours....well, you have an uncanny amount in common with ______.
Lindsay Lohan
Justin Bieber
Miley Cyrus
Harry Styles
By way of explanation.....
Said TV star is Supernatural's Jared Palecki who has now earned the scorn of Beliebers worldwide.
8. With the Golden Globes behind us, it's time to see who the nominees are for the granddaddy of awards shows -- Oscars. With 10 nominations each American Hustle and _____ are the front runners heading into the awards.
12 Years a Slave
Captain Phillips
9. Completely shut out of nominations for this year's Oscars was this one time favorite.
Saving Mr. Banks
Lee Daniels' The Butler
10. Enough of the acclaim and quality pictures, which film leads this year's Razzie nominations with eight?
Grown Ups 2
After Earth
Lone Ranger
Movie 43

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