Occasional HWDYK Newsletter: April 2009
Sent out April to our registered members
Occasional HowWellDoYouKnow Newsletter: April 2009

Hello from your friends at HowWellDoYouKnow.com!

In March, we added 26 more quizzes to our catalog, bringing our total to 481. You can find a list of all the March quizzes at the end of this newsletter.

We were pleased as punch to feature a number of quizzes sent in by readers. Kelly Jemo and Joseph Metz wrote HWDYK: Tropic Thunder, Qale sent us The Neverending Story, and TW George did a great quiz on Watchmen (The Graphic Novel).

Eric Hughes continued to test our audience's knowledge on TV series with Dexter (Season 2) and How I Met Your Mother (Season 1). Meanwhile, Ben Willoughby continued his series of James Bond movie quizzes with Moonraker.

Think you know all about Tom Hanks? We gave you an opportunity to prove your knowledge of the two-time Oscar winner. Are you more of a TV nut? TV Shows by Episode Title Part II was right up your alley.

We wrapped up the month by continuing our most popular recurring quizzes. Our readers put on their thinking caps for Box Office Trivia II, Movie Posters IV and The End of the Lines III (testing your knowledge of the final lines from movies).

Coming in April, watch for more TV, movie and pop culture quizzes. We'll cover everything from baseball movies to angst-ridden teenage vampire tales (Twilight) to Oscar Best Picture winners (Slumdog Millionaire).

The team at HowWellDoYouKnow.com

Full list of March 2009 quizzes:
Date  Quiz
03/1 How I Met Your Mother, Season One: Part I
03/2 Overpaid Jerks: 2/22/09-3/1/09
03/3 Ghost Town
03/4 Box Office Trivia II
03/5 Watchmen (The Graphic Novel)
03/6 This Is So Last Week: 2/27/09-3/5/09
03/8 How I Met Your Mother, Season One: Part II
03/9 Overpaid Jerks: 3/2/09-3/8/09
03/10 Wanted
03/11 TV Shows by Episode Title II
03/12 Tropic Thunder
03/13 This Is So Last Week: 3/6/09-3/12/09
03/15 Dexter, Season Two: Part I
03/16 Overpaid Jerks: 3/9/09-3/15/09
03/17 The Neverending Story
03/18 Tom Hanks
03/19 Dirty Dancing
03/20 This Is So Last Week: 3/13/09-3/19/09
03/22 Dexter, Season Two: Part II
03/23 Overpaid Jerks: 3/16/09-3/22/09
03/24 Moonraker
03/25 Signs
03/26 Movie Posters VI
03/27 This Is So Last Week: 3/20/09-3/26/09
03/30 Overpaid Jerks: 3/23/09-3/29/09
03/31 The End of the Lines 3

Upcoming Quizzes:
Plus each Friday:
This is So Last Week
(Pop culture week in review)
...and each Monday:
Overpaid Jerks
(Sports week in review)
